Plan N Naturopathy
Since 1990, Plan N uses various types of Alternative/Functional Medicine such as Naturopathy, Protocol Functional Orthomolecular Nutrition, Ayuverdic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Holistic Kinesiology, Vibrational Frequency Formulas (VFF) for Chakras & Aura Mist Formulas for Dissolving & Clearing issues and sabotages.
It has being providing many innovative health care techniques including skin care (chemical free based), Weight Management package & also professional advice on various Autoimmune & Degenerative diseases. One of the most popular exclusive programs called “Detox & Live” B4 Its too Late and has been thrilled by many successful clients, and also Vibrational Frequency Formulas (VFF) from plants, mineral, flowers, shells, crystals, corals, gems.
Lately, the team has also developed additional Natural Based Mineral Extract as Anti-viral, Anti Bacteria & Anti Fungi for Adults & Children’s Remedy Fever, Cough, Phlegm, Cold /Flu and it has been use by Infants and children very successfully.